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Rugy world cup 2O11 New Zeland.

15 décembre 2010

Day-to-day itinerary 2/2.


15 décembre 2010

Day-to-day itinerary 1/2

Day1: - Visit of Dunedin, located  in the south. And decouvert of different apsects, and numerous acitvities as a turn in the picturesque trian of taieri force-feed.Visited railway station which splendid . After, dinner in the typical restaurant of there, and you will spend the night in a hotel delightful.

Day2: In program, for the morning visite of invercargill and for the afternoon, Plunged under navy accompagny to professor of pluning in Bluff. It's unique experience, we have impression to be in one other world. For the night, in a hotel in Winton for to bring closer to you to the place or you will cross the 3 a day.

Day3: Visite of the forest of national fiordland park, or you will make everything goes out activities day during, and you will see animals. and you will spend the night in te Anau.

Day4: You will take the plane to go north of New Zelande. Arrived to Auckland, you will go directly at Toray to take go around boat of where could you see of daulphin. for the afternoon would make you of kayaking. And it is at Aucklande you has to spend the night there.

Day5: Visit Taupo, and shopping for the morning. For the afternoon, To visit Hamilton and spend the night there.

Day6 and Day7, a bus will drive you In Tauranga. Activities will be ofred, or you will occupy day as wouold like it you.Would you spend  at night in a charming hotel,  and the return will be day8 at 8:24.

12 décembre 2010

The New Zelander's life

We have ask questions a New Zelander, for kwno coutume of this country !Seychelles_20Plage

-Hello Caitlin ! I create a blog, for do decouver at people New-Zelande. Could you tell me more about this country  ?

-Hello ! yes of course ! It's very good idea because it is here that life is moste agreabel.

-What makes you tell it ?

-here, alls people are very nice ! this country give many possibilited  activities different enter taining as Kayaking, etc

there is, aslo the famous team of rugby "All blacks',

-do you prefer the North of the south ?

-personally, i prefer the North because, can skiing ! I love it !But in the south, thre are also activities, as for exemple the volcan Rangitoto at Auckland, who you can visite the island Rangitoto a active volcano near auckland, and for the afternoon you go in Tairua for visited forest mysterious and famous beach !

-Ok, thank's you very much for your advices !

-your welcom ! By

-By !


8 décembre 2010

"All Black", the origins of the myth


-How a small country can dominate the planet rugby?

In fact nobody  tell ill of this equipe New-Zelandaise, who outstrips a disatance other equipes.

besides all blacks is the only equipe in a World has have a positive alance sheet. since their one win not Australia (22-3), They won can of the half of matchs international that they played

question does not wonder, they are most extremely !!

Origine of name "all blacks" .
In 1905 the equipe who represent s New Zelande makes a tou in the Great Britain it is called Originals. For the first time term all black is going to be use has the suite one erreue of priting. The name All Blacks, symbolis the team, is  todaya regisyered trademark and is in the point mergred in team where it is the only team of rugby to be played with undershirts of the same colour at home and in outside, in the exception of some meetings of World Cup.

During the edtione in 1987, all Blacks was 3 times semifinalist and Finalist time. The Australia Southern Africe and French in the course of unforgettable match in 1999, Managed to make it fall New Zelande. However, All Blacks has some lenght to advance on the rest of the World.

The Great 14, Whitch regroups best clubs of south Hmispéhere, is considered as best of World chamionship since creation, he is eleven years old now there. The five hired New Zelande teams carry off nine titles on the eleven possible and held concurrently fourteen finalist's placs on the twenty two givinf. In term of the result, New Zelande's equipe benefits therefore from how is made of better in the world.


8 décembre 2010

New zelande,the country of the end of the earth ..

New Zelande.


  • Capital: Wellington
  • Population: 3,5 millions
  • Oficial languages: English and Maori
  • majoritary group: English
  • minority group: maori (12,9 %), wu, fidjien, samoan, tonguien, hindi, vietnamien, etc

  • System policy: parliamentary and monarchal democratie..

News-Zealand is in island State of Océanie near by Pacific-south ocean and the sea of Tasmania. We can find in about 1600 km in a south-east of Australia and in about 10 000 km of a coast west of the United States, New Zealand stretches of 1600 km.His complete area of Earth, who is 270 534 km ², arrived more near of Japon or British islands.
The counrty consist of two main islands: Island from the North (115 000 km ²) and island theSouth (151 000 km ²),.In New Zealand there are other small islands in the the southwest of Pacific.

futherrmore, other islands are part of News Zelande, but they acquiered a political self-govenments : The Island Nuie, Island Tokelau, and Island Cook.

Rugy world cup 2O11 New Zeland.
  • This blog say the rugby world cup 2011 in New Zelande. It's present differents cultural aspects of this country, one conversation with a New Zelander. It's present enblems, including and team always about New Zelande ! And give suggested tour for eventual
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